Saturday, March 15, 2025

Computer Science Universities in Germany with No Fee 2025-26

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Computer Science Universities in Germany with No Fee 2025-26:

This is true that Germany offers Free Education for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD Degree. We have made a list of German Universities that Offers Free Study without any Fee for any Computer Science Degree program. These universities are offering Computer science and related courses like( Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc.). These universities have very less competition and students can get admission very easily with a little bit effort. Also read about Chulalongkorn University Scholarships 2025 in Thailand (Fully Funded).

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UniversityCourseIELTS Required
University of PotsdamData Science6.5-7.5
Trier UniversityData Science6
Leuphana University of LüneburgManagement & Data Science5.5
University of Hildesheim FoundationData Analytics6
Otto von Guericke University MagdeburgData & Knowledge Engineering6.5-7.5
University of Koblenz-LandauWeb and Data Science6.5
University of MannheimData Science6 or certificate
Mittweida University of Applied SciencesApplied Mathematics for Network and Data Sciences6 or certificate
Saarland UniversityData Science and Artificial Intelligence6.5-7.5
Brandenburg University of TechnologyCyber Security6
University of BayreuthComputer Science6.5
University of KonstanzComputer and Information Science6
Technische Universität KaiserslauternComputer Science6
Paderborn UniversityComputer Science6.5
University of SiegenComputer Science5 bands
Deggendorf Institute of TechnologyApplied Computer Science6
University of PassauComputer Science5.5 or certificate
University of FreiburgComputer Science7
University of KielComputer Science6
University of Applied Sciences SchmalkaldenApplied Computer Sciencebands not mention or certificate
TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences)Computer Science – Specialization in Information Systems6 or certificate
University of AugsburgSoftware Engineering6.5 or certificate
University of GöttingenApplied Computer Science6 or certificate
Saarland UniversityComputer ScienceIELTS bands not mention
University of StuttgartComputer Science7 or certificate
Paderborn UniversityComputer Science6.5
Offenburg University of Applied SciencesMaster of Science in Enterprise and IT Security5
Saarland UniversityVisual Computingband not mention
RWTH Aachen UniversityComputer Engineering5.5
University of TübingenMachine Learning7
Universität HamburgIntelligent Adaptive Systems6.5
RWTH Aachen UniversitySoftware Systems Engineering5.5
Heinrich Heine University DüsseldorfArtificial Intelligence and Data Science6
FAU Erlangen-NürnbergData Science5.5
OWL University of Applied Sciences and ArtsInformation Technology6.5
Frankfurt University of Applied SciencesInformation Technology6
University of StuttgartInformation TechnologyIELTS band not mention or certificate
FAU Erlangen-NürnbergInformation and Communication Technology5.5
University of BremenCommunication & Information TechnologyTOEFL
Hamburg University of TechnologyInformation and Communication Systems6.5
Chemnitz University of TechnologyInformation and Communication Systems5.5
University of MünsterInformation Systems6.5
Bauhaus-Universität WeimarComputer Science for Digital Mediaat least 6
Karlsruhe University of Applied SciencesSensor Systems TechnologyTOEFL
Freie Universität BerlinData Science6
Technische Universität KaiserslauternEmbedded Systems6
Saarland UniversityEmbedded SystemsIELTS band not mention
University of MannheimBusiness Informatics6.0 and Certificate
Bauhaus-Universität WeimarDigital Engineering6.5
University of BremenDigital Media6.5
Bauhaus-Universität WeimarComputer Science for Digital Media6.5
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Qamar Usman
Qamar Usman
Qamar Usman is the founder and CEO of Bright Scholarship, an organization that provides valuable information about scholarships, internships, fellowships, and jobs. He is also a highly accomplished software engineer with a passion for empowering the next generation of leaders. Through his work, he is helping to shape the future of education and technology.
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