WTO Essay Award for Young Economists 2019 (Fully Funded):
World Trade Organization are now asking the Young Economists to submit their papers for the WTO Essay Award for Young Economists 2019 Program. The award will be given to one of the best research paper which is written n trade policy and international trade cooperation.
There is a prize amount of CHF 5,000 which will be given to the author(s)of winning essay. And if there are two authors of the same essay then the prize will be distributed equally between both of them.
The winning essay will be announced at the annual meeting European Trade Study Group (ETSG).
Selection Procedure of WTO Essay Award for Young Economists 2019:
After you submit your paper and academic panel will be there which is going to select one of the best paper among all. The professor which will be the part of the panel their names are given below.
- Professor Beata Javorcik from the University of Oxford.
- Professor Robert Staiger from Dartmouth College.
- and Professor Alberto Trejos from INCAE Bussiness School.
- Dr. Robert Koopman (Director, Economic Research and Statistic Division, WTO Secretariat).
- Dr. Roberta Piermartini (Chief, Trade Cost Analysis Section, WTO)
Eligibility Criteria of WTO Essay Award for Young Economists Program:
- The topic of the paper must be related to Trade Policy and International Trade Cooperation.
- The author(s) must be engaged in the completion of a Ph.D. degree.
- If the age of the author(s) is over 30 then it is compulsory that the author(s) have not done their Ph.D. defense more than two years of time period.
- The essay cannot exceed 15000 words.
NOTE: Eligibility criteria are the same if there are two author(s) of the same Essay.
Past 3-Years Winners:
- Alonso de Gortari from Harvard University (2018).
- Meredith Startz from Yale University (2017).
- Matthieu Bellon from Coulumbia University (2016).
Publication Of Winning Paper:
Most importantly it is the responsibility of the author(s) to secure publication of the contribution in a journal.
Submission Of Your Essay:
- You have to submit all your submissions to essay.award@wto.org.
- The submission includes all separate attachments and it should be in PDF format.
- The Essay.
- Cv of the author(s) which specifies
- Current Affiliation(s).
- The Academic Institution Awarding the Ph.D.
- The year (or expected) of Ph.D.
- The date of birth of Author(s).
Important Dates:
Submission Of Essay: May 31, 2019.
Short-Listing of Paper: June 14, 2019
Decision From Selection Panel: July 10, 2019.
Award Ceremony: September 2019 (in Bern, Switzerland).
NOTE: If your paper/Essay is selected then you will be notified.
Official Link: WTO
Funded Opportunities you may apply for:
- International Youthopia conference 2019 by Monarch Pakistan
- South American Business Forum 2019 in Argentina
Funded Opportunities you may apply for:
- International Youthopia conference 2019 by Monarch Pakistan
- South American Business Forum 2019 in Argentina